Westport Cruises i Westport

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IrlandWestport Cruises



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The Quay, Westport, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 606 6146
internet side: www.westportcruises.com
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Latitude: 53.80188, Longitude: -9.553396

kommentar 5

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings


    Really enjoyed this. Small but comfortable boat. Tour of the bay and the commentary was excellent and very informative. Lasts about 90 minutes. There are toilet facilities which are very adequate and tea coffee and alcohol available as refreshments on board. Well worth a go. Priced at £20 for adults (concessions are available) but you do need to book in advance.

  • Terence Kozlow

    Terence Kozlow


    365 islands in Clew Bay, that will take a little time to visit. Booking the cruise was fairly simple on my phone. Arriving early on a good day with the weather, to queue would guarantee a seat on the top deck. The commentary was very good, but being inside the boat area, ment that, me, being a little hard of hearing umable to clearly understand it. The leaflet we used to book was not "Clew Bay Cruises", but Westport cruises. Would recommend and plenty of landmarks to see.

  • James Murtha

    James Murtha


    A must when visiting Westport. Beautiful scenery and wonderful anecdotes and stories regarding local history and lore. Great group of lads.

  • Dorota Slawska

    Dorota Slawska


    Really nice trip for the whole family. Children were delighted to see seal colonies. Really interesting stories about the local community and history told by our guide. The trip is longer than I expected, which is great. You can have a hot drink on the board.

  • Margaret Maguire

    Margaret Maguire


    A wonderful trip around Clew Bay, stunning views and serene setting. This boat trip has something for everyone. Great commentary about the history of the area on-board, get to see the seals up close and even a look at John Lennon’s Island. You can enjoy the fantastic scenery and views of Croagh Patrick on the open deck upstairs or in the downstairs lounge area where there is seating and a shop which provides light refreshments (tea, coffee, snacks etc). Great trip, great service and spectacular views. Well worth a visit.

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