Chopped i Dublin 2

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8-9, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 7531
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Latitude: 53.3459234, Longitude: -6.2593997

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Hong


    You can order healthy options here and because it's quick and has decent value. Choice of sandwich, wrap, and salad. Finely chopped (although some does fall on the floor and I hate food waste). The downside is that there isn't much space to eat unless you're taking to go. And you pay on the other side (a convenience store), but it takes a bunch of different international credit cards. UPDATE: I found a hair in my salad, which is gross!

  • en

    Elena Baldi


    It takes very little to make a tasty wrap and yet, this was not the case. Disappointment, feeling ripped off 7 euros, with food all over the floor out of the full bin...a few of the meals had been thrown entire...we all shared the same feeling. Worst meal in 5 days, in Dublin.

  • gal silky

    gal silky


    Healthy food of your choice, chopped very finely in front of you. I tried the falafel combo and it was delicious. Nice to have this chain around, a nourishing alternative to other fast food options.




    La comida te la hacen en el momento,y vas viendo el proceso en todo momento.Esta muy buena

  • es

    Francisco Javier Mesa Blanco


    Ensaladas muy variadas a buen precio. Personal muy atento. Me encanta cómo hacen las ensaladas!

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