Clonmel Park Hotel i Clonmel

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IrlandClonmel Park Hotel



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Cahir Road, Clonmel, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 618 8700
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Latitude: 52.356398, Longitude: -7.7381623

kommentar 5

  • en

    Frances Caulfield


    Really enjoyed this trip as always. Unfortunately had to cut December 2016 holiday short this one was brilliant and staff so helpful room and view 5 star cant wait for April visit

  • Efka Simoniz

    Efka Simoniz


    NOT worth 4 star.. Rooms needs some TLC and a deeper clean. Window in the bedroom didn't close properly. "Seasonal vegetables" that came with main course - well look at the photo yourselves.. Overcooked and felt like they were just leftovers from yesterday shoved in the microwave.. Breakfast was very good though, real coffee available. Staff in general good and friendly enough, but for 4 star hotel they need more training

  • Michel van Luijtelaar

    Michel van Luijtelaar


    Excellent price quality ratio. Clean rooms and they didn't mind my three young children sleeping in the same room. The hotel looks very '80 style, it doesn't look like anything has been done to decorate it. I didn't mind, it was still decent. Breakfast was fine as well. Again well worth the price.

  • en

    michael bushe


    Lovely hotel and people. Great for the night over. Never stayed more than one night though. But we always stay here as its near tipperary raceway. Breakfast is quite nice too

  • en

    Anne Vaughan


    Excellent friendly helpful staff - especially Michelle - ensured my mother and I had a lovely mid week break. Room was very comfortable and dinner in the restaurant and breakfast were excellent. Chef made a vegan meal for me which i really appreciated. Highly recommend this hotel.

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