Midleton Park Hotel i Midleton

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IrlandMidleton Park Hotel



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Old Cork Road, Midleton, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 463 5100
internet side: www.midletonpark.com
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Latitude: 51.9149629, Longitude: -8.1787113

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Caffrey

    Stephen Caffrey


    Very nicely done up hotel since I was there a few years ago. Found it disappointing that the wheelchair toilet was out of order and one of guest who was there for lunch had to go else where. Since that toilet was non operational there was also no baby changing facility. Reception was asked where to go To change a baby and she suggested the main toilet where all that was available was the floor! So I had to go into the empty function room to change a nappy out of sight as the room was not in use thankfully. The food was really great and would return for the food as I know the toilet was only a minor problem

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    This is a good hotel but there are quite a few issues with their booking system which made my experience very negative. Both my booking and board basis was changed and caused additional phone calls and a standoff at the breakfast table!! The hotel is being upgraded and the new rooms are spacious and comfortable. The food during my stay was excellent. The leisure centre is on-site and fairly decent too. Wait until booking system issues have been resolved before booking.

  • Hazzelwood



    Pulled into town and went online and found this hotel. Price for a double room 69.00. Good deal we thought and went to check in and were told it would be 79.00. After mentioning the website said 69, I was told that price was for a single person even though it's a double room. Seems kind off odd that would matter since the room is the same. And to be clear, 79 is fine, I just didn't like the bait-and-switch method of renting rooms when he saw that I was to tired to find a new hotel. We took the room and attempted to sleep but we were kept up all night due to the people in the next room talking, opening and closing doors, running water, taking a piss, flushing, and apparently moving furniture. Our room was located at a point where two hallways met, and somehow managed to pick up the sound of every single door on the floor as it was being shut. Not the hotels fault that people are loud but is there fault that they didn't build a hotel with proper insulation. Pillows suck as well. The only good thing about the place is the pool and workout facility. Which is why I am giving them three stars instead of two, even though on my next trip through town I can guarantee that I won't be staying here.

  • Cormac Murphy

    Cormac Murphy


    Loved this hotel.. staff were very nice. Loved the flavoured water combinations.. comfortable rooms with a big soft bed.. Leisure center was very well equipped with steam room..sauna and 2 Jacuzzis..one on the outside...jets didn't work but at least it was hot. Was very well located in midleton town so within walking distance of restaurants bars and brilliant little cafes hidden in Lane ways and courtyards. Looking forward to our next stay

  • en

    Tony Lindsay


    A good quality hotel. Cheaper than most but they don't skimp on quality. Good friendly staff. Good restaurant and bar, plus meeting and private dining rooms. Off road parking. If booking by phone ask them to confirm the reservation and be ready for them to pre-validate if paying by credit card - which can be annoying.

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