Fota Island Resort i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFota Island Resort



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Fota Island, Tullagreen, Cork, T45 HX62, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 21 488 3700
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.900337, Longitude: -8.291835

kommentar 5

  • apsbrian1



    Very nice place, stayed in one of there lodges. Food wasn't the best though. Eat most nights at the restaurant just outside the entrance to the complex. A no frills restaurant but good home cooked food.

  • en

    Philip O'Carroll


    I haven't stayed here but I have used the spa/ hammam and it is one of the best. It has a good collection of hydrotherapy features including a strange yet fun whirlpool. The food is also good. Quality and service is consistently excellent. It is quiet and plush and is only two minutes from the motorway so it is easy to get in and out. The hotel would make a great base for exploring the whole South and East. It is at the upper end of the market.

  • Derek Smith

    Derek Smith


    Myself and my wife just visited Fota for a weekend away. From the start to the finish it was a very enjoyable stay. Rooms are big and beds comfortable. Great shower and bath. The pool and hydro pool are excellent. We also had dinner in the Bar and the food was very well cooked and flavours just perfect. The staff where very friendly and always willing to help. I lost my wallet on one of the days and thank you to the person that handed it into the Hotel. All in All a very enjoyable stay and would be happy to recommend Fota.

  • en

    leigh prendergast


    Lovely hotel. Very nice staff. Lovely food. Nice bed. That make me fall asleep. Only bad thing. The pool was cold. Other than that great hotel.

  • pl

    rafal nowak


    Hotel rewelacja restauracja fantastyczna

nærmeste Spa

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