Costa Coffee i Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCosta Coffee



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51, South Main Street, Y35 V0HA, Wexford, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 53 918 4672
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.336824, Longitude: -6.4605475

kommentar 5

  • Charalampos Koundourakis

    Charalampos Koundourakis


    Lovely decor. Great place to do some studying.

  • en

    Joe Wickham


    Clean and well kept. Opens up nicely to the back, deceptively small looking from the front. Staff are friendly and efficient. Coffee is standard Costa fare.

  • en

    Paul West


    The coffee is good, the toasted sandwiches are always nice, its a lot cleaner these days and over all a decent coffee shop, the staff are very helpful and efficient.

  • Thomas McGuire

    Thomas McGuire


    Coffee's good; selection of desserts and other prepared foods. Charging points available if you're hoping to spend some time here on a laptop / tablet.

  • en

    Collette Doyle


    Visited here last weekend. Coffee was good but the toilet was in a terrible state. when I asked where the toilet was I was directed to the disabled toilet on ground flood for which there was a queue. On entering there was paper all over the floor, the floor was wet and no toilet paper at all on the holder. It really put me off and I wont be visiting again.

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