Trimmers Lane Cafe i Wexford

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IrlandTrimmers Lane Cafe



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7, Trimmers Lane West, Wexford, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 919 8956
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Latitude: 52.3413888, Longitude: -6.4646645

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pearse Walshe


    Great food here at reasonable prices. Staff are friendly and efficient. Coffee is the best in Wexford!

  • en

    Owen Darcy


    Very friendly staff, top marks on service. The food is delicious, well-portioned and creative without being pretentious. I was particularly impressed when my companion, who asked for no lentils due to an allergy, was offered an extra portion of meat which is usually not an option.

  • en

    Jessie Doyle


    Gorgeous food and fantastic service with a smile. I've visited here a few times and it's always great.

  • en

    Sylvia Duggan


    Fantastic staff The most delicious homemade burger with hand cut chips I have ever tasted Very quirky cosy restaurant with a lovely atmosphere

  • Girish Mallya

    Girish Mallya


    Went to this place twice during our stay in Wexford. The first time was during a late afternoon stroll. We went in and saw the pancakes on display and just wanted to have them! I had the mascarpone and fruit topping while my wife had the caramelised banana and syrup. Both were delicious, although my wife's one could have done without a lot of the syrup (which made it too sweet). The second time was for breakfast the next day. My wife had the veggie Irish breakfast and I had the omelette. Loved it! The staff were lovely and very friendly, which made the place really casual. This was one of the reasons we went the second time. Were we living in Wexford, we would have been regulars at this place!

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