Crannmor Guest house i Trim

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IrlandCrannmor Guest house


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Dunderry road, Newtown Clonbun, Corporationland, Trim, Co. Meath, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 943 1635
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Latitude: 53.570135, Longitude: -6.7841429

kommentar 5

  • P. Molloy

    P. Molloy


    Nice quiet country place near the lovely historic town of Trim and run by friendly helpful people.

  • Linda Walzer

    Linda Walzer


    The couple were friendly and accommodating. It's a way out of the busy roads quiet and there's a beautiful tasteful restaurant only minutes away.

  • Beatrice Thiers

    Beatrice Thiers


    I highly recommend Crannmor Guest House. Charming place, ideal location close to Trim Castle. Ann & Marc are very welcoming, interesting and ready to help. Best b&b experience I've had in Ireland.

  • Cédric PETIT

    Cédric PETIT


    L'accueil est sympathique, la chambre double dans laquelle nous avons dormi était confortable et calme. Très propre. Bon petit-déjeuner. Ex-centré, il faut une voiture ou compter sur les taxis pour rejoindre le centre ville.

  • en

    Chris Jarvis


    We have spent two nights at Cranmer House. The hosts were really nice and spent time talking to us and other guests. The host also provides services as a fishing guide if required ( for a fee). The ambience of the house and gardens are really nice. The rooms are very comfortable. Our hosts Mark and Anne recommended places to eat and the recommendations were excellent. We enjoyed our stay there. Overall a pleasant experience. Chris, Sydney Australia

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