Knightsbrook Hotel Spa and Golf Resort i Trim

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IrlandKnightsbrook Hotel Spa and Golf Resort


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Dublin Road, Trim, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 948 2100
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Latitude: 53.548514, Longitude: -6.764497

kommentar 5

  • Edward Casey

    Edward Casey


    We stayed here for a last-minute night away and it was fabulous! We booked the Dinner Bed and Breakfast package, which was excellent value. The food was amazing! The staff were warm and welcoming and nothing was too much trouble. The hotel is very clean and tidy and the rooms are spacious and bright. We didn't get to use the leisure facilities (too short a stay) but all the more excuse to come back! There are also excellent facilities for families with young families.

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    Betty Buckley


    I use the pool & l find it very clean spacious warm & the staff r very friendly. I also love the lounge foe the music. Great hotel.

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    Marie Roche


    The thermal rooms were ok but there was a lot of people using them. The women at the reception were friendly. The pool had to be accessed via the gym, and there was no towels in the pool area. The massage and facial were very nice. The afternoon tea was dreadful, the sandwiches were stale and we felt we were put in a hallway out of the way. There was plenty of room in the room serving tea downstairs but we were treated like an afterthought being put upstairs in the hall. We were left waiting at the door to the tea room also which I didn't like. The offer we bought was a Christmas present and I feel was not good value for money. Other spas I have gone to were far superior for the same cost. Poor value for money☹❗

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    Joanna Basnett


    We attend my nephews wedding November a year ago and we had an amazing time. Our room was in a 3 bed house on the hotel grounds across from the main Hotel. Breakfast is in the main Hotel and was especially delicious! Now in 43 days on Valentine's day our eldest son Jamie is marrying his beloved Paige and the excitement is building. We're staying for 2 nights so looking forward to going and relaxing with the family 😀

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    Cristina Chis


    We had our wedding reception at Knightsbrook Hotel a year ago and everything was excellent! All our guests loved the place and the food! Today, we went back to the Hotel to have our 1 year Anniversary Dinner (on the house) and we had a great time! The Hotel was Beautifully decorated for Christmas and the restaurant was lovely and cozy. Food - exceptional! Personnel - very kind! Totally recommend the place! We sure love it and go back there every time we have the chance.

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