crystal hotel i Cavan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Irlandcrystal hotel


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R198, Cavan, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.995123, Longitude: -7.3683311

kommentar 4

  • danas stralkus

    danas stralkus


  • en

    Peter O Connell


    Booked online €160 euro for double for 2 added on special requests their be rose petals and chocolates but nothing and the room was nothing like the one I'd payed for , furnishings in room worn , later went down cavan town for night out and a meal me fiancé came back around half 3, couldn't get drink in hotel late bar closed early? Very friendly helpfull staff clean hotel pity about the rest.

  • Kamile Jurgutyte

    Kamile Jurgutyte


    Great hotel

  • Hannah Cliffe

    Hannah Cliffe


    I guess we just happened to be very unlucky in what we thought would be the relaxing weekend we needed before the run up to xmas... they should of disclosed on booking that their pool facilities would not be open due to renovations as this was the main reason we chose the hotel in this area and was only asked was this ok on arrival feeling like we hardly have a choice as we would still have to pay our deposit due to our online booking, the room would have been lovey and quite if we had not been placed at the back of the hotel right beside where the work was been done to the pool waking us up at 7.30 sharp each morning by either trucks or workers walking above our room in the attic as we are on the 5th floor. Finally breakfast was very disappointing they were quite with at lest 5 staff including what looked like a manager at the desk who seemed to be more interested in her phone than seating people.. and the plenty of staff at hand were busy finding corners to giggle and chat I found it highly unprofessional that I needed to call them over on 3 occasions to order or remove our plates so we could have our coffee

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