Farnham Estate Golf Club i Farnham Estate

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IrlandFarnham Estate Golf Club



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Farnham Estate, Drumbar, Cavan, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 49 432 6482
internet side: farnhamestate.ie
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Latitude: 54.00253, Longitude: -7.39995

kommentar 5

  • Stuartyh7



    Amazing place. Food was first class and the all round hotel service was exceptional. Pool and spa area is the best I've experienced. Can't wait to go back.

  • en

    Liam Starrs


    We stayed here for a few nights and it was amazing. The staff, facilities and management where second to none. So friendly and helpful even when the electric went out for 20 minutes or so they couldn't do enough to please us. I had a message from Sophie and it was excellent. Top marks on cleanliness and the spa with the outdoor pool, sauna, steam room and relaxation room's all free, made our stay here something else. Plenty of reasons to go back as the food was exceptional. Breakfast, lunch and dinner all seemed so easy, no fuss or complaining about this or that like you would in similar hotels. Outside walks where the hotel provided boots for us to wear to enjoy the space around the hotel was a nice touch. Overall this hotel and spa is quite easily a perfect place to switch off and relax in luxury where nothing has not been thought of. 10/10...

  • en

    Stephen Thompson


    Lovely Hotel and Spa. Nice walks around the grounds. Make sure you bring your boots. Food in the restaurants is gorgeous. Would definitely visit again.

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    Mick Red


    Beautiful hotel and country grounds. The spa and the swimming pool are amazing. Restaurant menu and food is fabulous. The hotel and restaurant staff are very good and very helpful. Recommend staying in this hotel.

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    David Neill


    First time here and could honestly not fault our stay! Our room was extremely comfortable and spacious with a great view, evening meal and breakfast was first class and as for the thermal suite it was brilliant. Would definitely recommend.. the only disadvantage was we only stayed one night but we will definitely be back in the near future. Thank you for a wonderful experience.

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