DNA i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Eyre Square, Galway, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 500 330
internet side: www.dnagalway.com
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Latitude: 53.273908, Longitude: -9.050348

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mathilde Pavard


    I have a very bad experience with this night club. We have order for a cocktail and the night club close 5 minutes later and we are not warned about this. 😕 And my friend was typed by a boy without valid reasons, just because my friend don't speak English and he don't anderstant... The guardians doesn't do anything their are 5 and just look the scene... If I return to galway I never go again on this place!!! 😡😡

  • fr

    sophie chesnel


    nous sommes rentrés dans la boîte à 2h15, les videurs ne n’ont pas prévenus que la boîte fermer à 2h30 nous avons donc payé des consommations et avons été obligé de sortir avec nos verres car la boîte fermer. un homme nous a agresé à la sortie de la boîte sans vrai raison les videurs ne sont pas intervenus (juste le fait qu’un de mes ami ne comprend et ne parle pas anglais) Mon ami a eu le nez en sang et l’oeil Poché. La boîte n’a rien fait pour nous ! Nous vous déconseillons fortement cette discothèque ! we went back to the box at 2:15, the bouncers did not warn that the box close at 2:30 so we paid for drinks and were forced to go out with our glasses because the box close. a man stabbed us at the exit of the box without any reason the bouncers did not intervene (just the fact that one of my friend does not understand and does not speak English) My friend had the bloody nose and the eye Poached. The box did nothing for us! We strongly advise against this disco!

  • Ben Salinas

    Ben Salinas


    Me and my friend went to go in but they heard our accents and realised we weren't from Ireland and without question, refused us entry. They said we were drunk but we couldn't be more sober. I understand what others are saying about security. Be wary if you try to get in this place. Equality isn't what they are about!

  • Patrick Claudino

    Patrick Claudino


    Racist and discriminatory staff, there is a huge difference on how they deal with Irish and foreign people. If you are around in Galway avoid this place and go somewhere else.

  • en

    Ollie Lloyd Roberts


    Both bouncers and doormen told me and my brother we could get food and be allowed back in when we came back in 20-30 mins. When we got back easily less than 20 mins later we were rejected by the bouncers even though we had been stamped earlier that night and were practically sobering up by the time we got back. Bad night 4/10

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