Le Paradis Club i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLe Paradis Club



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7, Dominick Upr. Street, Galway, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 91 860 556
internet side: www.leparadisclub.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2702092, Longitude: -9.0583106

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicholas Walton


    I've been to sexier morgues.

  • en

    philip duffy


    So after googling this place we see it is free in before 10, so we head down around 9 o'clock where the bouncer try's to charge us 15 euro to enter, met a few english men after that did pay the con man door man. The place itself is small, and seedy looking and very uninviting, and the dancing ability was described best by a mate as being agricultural. Easily the worst strip club i have ever been in, its only saving grace is that is so bad, we had a good half an hour(maybe longer) of entertainment abusing the place afterwards.

  • kirk Harris

    kirk Harris


    Possibly the worst strip club ever. Small, no seating, expensive.

  • en

    Margaret maggy


    great craic! girls are stunning! there is big beer garden on the back drinks are on the same price as regular bar! fantastic atmosphere!

  • Eamonn Tiernan

    Eamonn Tiernan


    Called in here during a stag night. Surly, intimidating bar staff. Very expensive for what it was. Bar itself is very run down with almost no seating (only a few bar stools). Dancers got very annoyed when we didn't want a lap dance. Overall a very unpleasant place to go... My advice is don't bother.

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