Dr Acupuncture i Dublin 1

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IrlandDr Acupuncture



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41, Henry Street, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 804 4544
internet side: dracupuncture.ie
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Latitude: 53.349625, Longitude: -6.261756

kommentar 5

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    I went in with neck and shoulder pain and my tight neck muscles had been giving me headaches for a couple weeks. I decided to go for cupping therapy. Dr Mike who looked after me was very friendly, attentive, so helpful with all my questions and went above and beyond. I even received a free light massage after the cupping therapy. Immediately after the session I felt much lighter, my shoulders were so much more relaxed and the tightness from my neck was almost all gone. I would highly recommend Dr. Mike and the cupping therapy and massage combination!

  • en

    Laura Chiari


    Worst place ever, the doctor is unable to speak English furthermore when you try to explain what's your problem he doesn't even care about your profile, he just does a basic treatment for everyone. I had pain on my shoulders and now I can barely move them, really I have no clue how this place is open and how that person could get the licence.

  • en

    Ewa Pietrzak


    Highly disappointing. Overpriced and complete failure when it comes to treatment. I went in for the massage, as I needed to relax. The receptionist insisted I get acupuncture. I have a lot of experience with acupuncture as I have PCOS and psoriasis. They didn't ask all the necessary questions and completely misdiagnosed me. My psoriasis got so much worse as even a week later it's still worse than usual, and I felt much more stressed. Additionally the receptionist was obtrusive trying to convince me that EUR120 is a good price for acupuncture and that I should get a bulk of 10 treatments and pay upfront. It took me 15 minutes to pay for just one overpriced treatment. I am used to paying EUR 15 for session, and even in Dublin price of EUR 40-50 is fair.

  • Dara Clare

    Dara Clare


    Really disappointed with my treatment here. The acupuncturist didn't ask for a full medical questions - in fact, he asked no questions, but relied on the tiny bit of info I gave the receptionist. He didn't take my pulse, check my tongue, or do any of the usual health checks. At first, I was told the treatment cost €70, but when I asked why is was twice as expensive as other places, I was told it was €40, which was quite confusing. There was no discussion on my condition before, or after, and I felt no improvement or relaxation from the treatment. Very disappointed.

  • Joanne Olivia

    Joanne Olivia


    Amazingly friendly and helpful doctor and staff, who really shows interest in getting you better. Went there with a couple of issues now and always went out with great results. Thank you so much!

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