Dublin Therapeutic Massage Clinic i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDublin Therapeutic Massage Clinic



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26, Dame Street, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 5077
internet side: www.dtmclinic.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3440614, Longitude: -6.2641918

kommentar 5

  • Kieran Shortt

    Kieran Shortt


    Have been a loyal customer for over 5 years. Staff are extremely knowledgable, professional and friendly. They are they only people that can get my back functioning properly and if i hear about anybody complaining of aches/ pains, or in general need of revitalisation, they are the first i'd recommend. Staff regularly attend courses workshops to provide the best service to their clients, couldn't rate them highly enough.

  • Caro Oteiza

    Caro Oteiza


    I have been a customer for over 2 years. Great service. Rachel and Alana are exceptional professionals that Will help wether to repair injury or for a relaxing session.

  • Davi Jorge

    Davi Jorge


    I've been here 3 times already and all of the times, the overall experience was beyond from my initial expectations. The last time i was there, i was lucky to be treated by Alana, which did a superb job and i couldn't be more happy. She's a real miracle worker. I couldn't recommend more this clinic. They have a very cosy office and their sympathy is second to none. I wish i could give 6 Stars.

  • Karen F. McCarthy

    Karen F. McCarthy


    Fabulous aromatherapy massage with Rachel today. She took a lot of time to understand what I needed and was very careful about choosing and blending the right oils and gave me a little vial to take home, which was wonderful. Really a restorative experience that was exactly what I needed after a rough couple of weeks. I highly recommend a treatment with her.

  • Elenaroy



    A friend recommended this clinic to me after what she described as a 'blissful' massage with Alana. That was 3 years ago and I'm still a regular client of Alana's though my needs go deeper than relaxation. Alana is a skilled and intuitive body therapist. She is also qualified in visceral massage - a gentle, exploratory release of the organs that can become contracted through stress or muscular problems. All three massage therapists are superb in this little city centre haven of calm. Highly recommended.

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