Dublin City Storage Company i Dublin 3

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDublin City Storage Company



🕗 åbningstider

a, 132 Richmond Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 3, D03 TF21, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 837 9152
internet side: www.dublincity-storage.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3666625, Longitude: -6.2496783

kommentar 4

  • Tommy



    Great experience overall. They went completely out of the way to help us and provided great service. Highly recommend.

  • airy kelcie

    airy kelcie


  • en

    Kevin Coyle


    Dublin City Storage are by far the best storage company I have ever used, and I have used quite a few over the years. They are professional yet very friendly. Helen and Brendan completely took the stress out of my house move two years ago by coordinating everything with my removal men and just said "let us worry about getting it sorted, you've enough on your plate". When moving out yesterday nothing was too much hassle, Brendan even gave me help and advise on the safest way to pack items. Great service and great team, thanks guys for your help over the last two years!

  • Brian Delaney

    Brian Delaney


    Great place. Friendly and great service. They come across as honest and trustworthy. The yard is a bit cramped but the location is great.

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