Storage World Self Storage i Dublin 8

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandStorage World Self Storage



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South Circular Road, D08 WR9T, Dublin 8, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 453 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.332215, Longitude: -6.290433

kommentar 5

  • en

    Malika El Baloat


    I used storage world for 4 months and I have to say I have no complain at all. Ken was great and helpful all the way. I would highly recommend.

  • en

    Yasmina Rayeh


    I would like to thank Ken and Kim for being so efficient and helpful when I needed to when I stored my belongings with your company. I will recommand Storage World for their outstanding and professional services to anyone interested to keep their extra belongings in a safe place too. Merci beaucoup.

  • en

    Paul Brady


    I used Storage World for several moves over many years. Ken and the team have always been extremely helpful at all stages - whether it was switching units, increasing space, downsizing space, holding onto keys for a few days etc etc A pleasure to deal with and highly recommended.

  • en

    maria vozeh


    Fantastic Place. Perfectly organised and ever so helpful. I was very impressed and can only recommend this business. Their prices are very reasonable . First class for storage and location. Thank you Ken for all your recommendations and help.

  • VROOM Digital

    VROOM Digital


    As a business, VROOM has been using Storage World for over 2 years now to store various marketing collateral and exhibition stands for our company. It means we can get more people into our current space in Dublin City Centre where rents are on the up. Would recommend to other businesses as it has proved cost effective for us @ VROOM. Aidan's team are also extremely helpful.

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