Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council



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Marine Road, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 205 4700
internet side: www.dlrcoco.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2942527, Longitude: -6.1343085

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ian Menzies


    Bunch of idiots running the council, have zero clue how to modernize dun l and rathdown, barely any progress over the years, Christmas market is an absolute joke, the area is dying while areas around it thrive. Clearly the board/committee are out of their depth and are completely ignorant to changing their ways and trying to reinvegorate the area. Sad but I've heard from so many sources active in trying to promote dun l that it's a waste of time and effort. This is a product of a group of people that are clearly either lazy or just not arsed. You only have to walk through dun l and see if you've been loving their that the place is dead. Shopping center dying, shops dying and numbers dying... Such a shame for a costal town with huge draws to it. How they've messed this up screams of just plain wrecklesnes..

  • Phil Tallant

    Phil Tallant


    Housing maintenance are Brutal gullies all full as well and never properly swept South Dublin Co council should take over

  • en

    Oksana Vinkarklina


    Nice building in city centre. Piece of art. Staff friendly.

  • Maksim Vinkarklins

    Maksim Vinkarklins


    Nice building with Housing and other offices

  • George Nursey

    George Nursey


    Local council offices. site of art exhibitions and the occasional course or two. Nicely designed building with a mixture of old and new working well together

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