Ellas Tanning Studio i Waterford

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IrlandEllas Tanning Studio



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2, Grattan Quay, Waterford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 841 811
internet side: www.ellastanningstudio.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2640255, Longitude: -7.1196524

kommentar 2

  • Epilfree Ireland

    Epilfree Ireland


    Welcome to Epilfree Ireland/UK. We are offering you a unique range of innovative products, developed by a top cosmetic specialist Dr Yoel Konis, and tested in top laboratories in the world for safety and effectiveness: EPILFREE: a preparation for lasting hair removal, without Laser or pain, suitable for all kinds of hair, skin, gender or age, based on natural products, does not require any expensive machinery and, it is easy to use by any beautician, EPILFREE is simple to apply like 1.2.3. Epilfree will make your Tattoo shine on your skin, by eliminating unnecessary hair in your face, chest, back, arms in any place of your body. after 8 -10 applications you may have to say good bye to shaving, gillete will miss you and you will save both time and money, having your artistic tattoo permanently exposed. EPILCLEAR: a facial hair removal system for home use, based on natural active ingredients. Yes, with Epilclear you may forget the hassle of going to a beautician, all you need to do, is follow the instructions and get rid of unwanted facial hair within 8 to 12 applications ILLUMINATING WHITE: the best way to eliminate skin spots and regain your glamour and self-esteem it will also have a rejuvenating effect on your skin, people using this amazing product found out that as a side effect of using Illuminating white their skin is repaired, healthier and looking much younger. So why not try ILLUMINATING WHITE. For more information please visit our webpage www.epilfree.ie, call us and a member of our team will get in touch with you. Delivery anywhere in Ireland. Prices are quoted inclusive of VAT. Salons have discounted prices!!!! that is a great opportunity to increase both your clients satisfaction and your profit. Call us now with Confidence or please visit www.epilfree.ie, Epilfree Ireland website for more information.

  • en

    Użytkownik Google


    Really friendly, great service. Bridesmaids and I got a shellac manicure, spray tan, waxing, facial and pedicure done here just before my wedding. Everything was perfect! Price was great. Will continue going to Ela's!

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