Therapie Clinic Waterford i Waterford

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IrlandTherapie Clinic Waterford



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31, Barronstrand Street, Waterford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 650 750
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Latitude: 52.2609753, Longitude: -7.1117076

kommentar 5

  • Saffron Murray

    Saffron Murray


    I attended Therapie Clinic and was overwhelmed with the excellent service. The staff were so efficient, highly informative and very professional. Sarah was on reception and was most helpful and she interacted so well with my little girl. Grainne and Ornagh are excellent therapists and the results are amazing.

  • en

    Marielle O Driscoll


    I've being going to Sarah for laser hair removal on a number of areas and I'm having wonderful results. She is so thorough, patient and I always feel very at ease with her.I'd definitely recommend it.

  • en

    Kate Croke


    I have been visiting Therapie Clinic Waterford for a number of weeks now and I am delighted with the results I have received so far. I am having laser hair removal on the bikini line and am really happy I decided to do it. After 6 treatments the hair is almost completely gone. The staff are very friendly and helpful and there are always great offers available which makes treatments more affordable. I would give Therapie Clinic Waterford a rating of 5/5 without hesitation.

  • en

    Emma O'Kennedy


    Great service very friendly staff.Love the products.

  • Ellie Bradshaw

    Ellie Bradshaw


    I went to Therapie in Waterford and I have to say I had a lovely experience. The staff were friendly and very professional. Such a clean place which made such a difference.I had the cooltech treatment to freeze the fat. I had great results and can definitely see a difference already after 4 weeks. I am going to come again for the firming and toning treatment next. Great job :)

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