Fern & Co i Dublin 18

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFern & Co



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7 The Village Stepaside, Stepaside, Dublin 18, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 214 9836
internet side: fernandco.ie
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Latitude: 53.252599, Longitude: -6.213273

kommentar 5

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    Campus D


    Poor, scones were rock hard and definitely were not fresh, coffee was nice but ruined by the scones as we could not eat them, told the girl behind the counter and she did not seem to care and still cared for them even though we did not eat them !

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    Pearl Murray


    Really nice place to eat.very friendly and helpful staff. Great food.will definitely be back.

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    Jane Buggle


    Great service. Nice place. Food is good but not amazing.

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    Chris Breathnach


    Amazing food which was beautifully presented at a very reasonable price. Will definitely be returning.

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    Grainne Murphy


    Was at Fern & Co last week for a family members birthday. The whole experience was really great. We'll definitely be going back. The food was super, there is clearly talented chefs in the kitchen and the service was really attentive and friendly. The place looks really stylish too. It's a great addition in the area.

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