Fitzwilliam Dry Cleaners i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFitzwilliam Dry Cleaners



🕗 åbningstider

45, Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 237 3046
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3367313, Longitude: -6.2485693

kommentar 5

  • Viktor Sokolov

    Viktor Sokolov



  • Andrew Meehan

    Andrew Meehan


    They are excellent! Expensive, but really excellent if you want a top top job!

  • Laureline Boin

    Laureline Boin


    20€ for a dress, and I realised a few days after when I opened it that it was still dirty. Yuck. Don't need to say more :/

  • en

    Patrick Dolan


    Very quick and efficient reasonably priced service would recommend these guys.

  • Julia S

    Julia S


    Horribly rude, horribly overpriced, sub par work. Terrible terrible service. After having brought in an overcoat and a dressed to be mended (both fine although not great) I asked them to replace the zipper in a pair of pants. Round 1 they gave me a dress zipper in my trousers, the delicate fabric sort that have the tiny sliders. Round 2. They fix the pants with an appropriate type zipper which is too short of the crotch of the pant. Zipper breaks after a week. 3. Horribly rude man behind the counter insists that I pay €15 for the zip replacement (too much to begin with) despite the fact that I have now been into the store twice already after shoddy workmanship on both counts. Combative, overpriced, and unwilling to listen.

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