SMC Group Cleaning Services i Donnybrook

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSMC Group Cleaning Services



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Sussex Road, Donnybrook, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 877 0430
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.330719, Longitude: -6.250845

kommentar 5

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    Paul Lennon


    Who knew the power a pressure washer had . My drive way looks brand new . Thank you . Highly Recommended

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    Paul Lennon


    Had a wedding coming up and garden and windows needed doing. The lads were amazing . My garden was power washed and looked brand new and my windows were fantasia . Highly recommended

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    Pauline Byrne


    Outdoor patio area left looking like new. Very pleased with job done.

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    Gustavo Zoladz


    These guys managed the installation of the floors in my place and the result turned out to be a disaster. Biddings are coming apart, the transition between the kitchen and living floor is now a safety hazard (that part was “tricky”, they tell me…), they miscalculated the length of some tiles and they now have “play, and the list goes on… The most upsetting part though was the lack of ownership and willingness to fix/correct/finalize the work, so after 18 months of raising the above with Mark and chasing to have it resolved, I have had enough. I have shared photographic evidence which was shared with them at the time.

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    M Close


    Christopher did a great job cleaning the tiles in my kitchen, bathroom and also cleaned hall rug. I am very impressed with the customer service by both the office and field staff. So refreshing to deal with them. I will be recommending SMC Group and will use them again. Reliable, efficient and trustworthy!

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