George's Court Shopping Centre i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGeorge's Court Shopping Centre



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24, Great George's Street, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 875 534
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.261583, Longitude: -7.1122103

kommentar 5

  • Larissa Cavalcante

    Larissa Cavalcante


    Nice but the second floor is not so visible.

  • en

    Anthony Mc mahon


    This must be the dreariest shopping centre ever.. to even call it a shopping centre is not fair on other shopping centres. It is dreary it is dull it has no vibe or atmosphere. Not that you would want to but if you stay long here you risk severe depression. And yes I am holding back on what i really think

  • Thomas Dempsey

    Thomas Dempsey


    Shop untill you are satisfied a relatively small collection of shops and boutiques, the upper floor restaurant is a great chill out location, while at road level opposite the cathedral is Lilly O'Brien's coffee shop famous for their own hand made Chocolates.

  • en

    James Ryan


    Few nice shops .but overall a bit bleak as a shopping centre

  • Joan H

    Joan H


    A lovely place to stroll around browsing or shopping and No.9 restaurant was great and staff so helpful. Refreshing experience

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