Market Cross Shopping Centre i Kilkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMarket Cross Shopping Centre



🕗 åbningstider

James's Street, Kilkenny, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 56 775 2666
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.652688, Longitude: -7.2549583

kommentar 5

  • Daphne L

    Daphne L


    Hesitating to rate the Centre as a three or four stars. An average Centre, close to go. Several shops, but mainly cell phone brands and some café but with a platonic menu. Have been stunned by the opening pathway. With heavy snow amounts in Canada, we don't have such an opportunity like this when we shop.

  • en

    Marie Doyle


    Lovely atmosphere and alot of shop's nice coffee shop all over a good experience

  • Andy Stafeckis

    Andy Stafeckis


    Just brilliant for all family especially on occasions like Xmas, Easter etc very well managed and safe

  • Paul Mahon

    Paul Mahon


    Nice place. Has a decent amount of shops and a few coffee shops, grand place for a stroll around, pity the middle isn't covered as it rains a lot.

  • en

    Paul West


    It's a well laid out shopping centre, plenty of parking some of the places are €2 for all day, if your shopping on a wet day the shop fronts are covered but the centre is open, has plenty of choice of shops and a cafe and coffee shop its worth a visit.

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