Kilkenny Design Centre Ltd i Kilkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKilkenny Design Centre Ltd



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The Parade, Kilkenny, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 56 772 2118
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Latitude: 52.649839, Longitude: -7.249485

kommentar 5

  • es

    Tomas Garcia


    Muy agradable para tomar un descanso, un the o o algo de comer. Buena cocina. La tienda de recuerdos tiene objetos con mucho gusto.

  • Susan Kennedy

    Susan Kennedy


    It is a really nice shop with loads of brilliant Irish designers' work. Purchasing those products is the best way to support Irish designers.

  • Bradley Thomas

    Bradley Thomas


    Very nice selection of artistic Irish gifts. It is expensive but they are different than your typical tourist souvenir. Very helpful workers!

  • Bart Spee

    Bart Spee


    Nice handmade gifts. Not Cheap, but unique.

  • Alan Mellerick

    Alan Mellerick


    This is a review for the Kilkenny Design Centre Cafe, which is above the Design Centre store. The cafe extends the entire length of this classic stone building, and on sunny days is flooded with light from the circular windows that overlook the Design Centre courtyard. There's always a great selection of hot food and beautiful cakes, and there's plenty of choice for vegetarians. Whilst a hot meal represents good value, if you just get a plain coffee and a cake it's pretty expensive. Still, he Design Centre remains my favourite spot for a Saturday-morning snack.

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