Halfords - Carrickmines Dublin Store i Dublin 18

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHalfords - Carrickmines Dublin Store



🕗 åbningstider

2, Glenamuck Road, D18 X5W9, Dublin 18, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 214 9550
internet side: www.halfords.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2511762, Longitude: -6.1866583

kommentar 5

  • Michael Hennessy

    Michael Hennessy


    Fast efficient installation bulbs and sundries for all your motoring needs

  • Ger Daly

    Ger Daly


    Handy if you need someone to fit a light bulb to your car lamp.

  • Marcus McDonnell

    Marcus McDonnell


    Great product selection and well priced. Major problem with this store is that it is severely understaffed (in the cycling section at least). I've been in the store five times over the last two months and had to wait an exceptional long time in each instance. Give yourself plenty of time time if you are visiting this store!

  • Louis Vidalinc

    Louis Vidalinc


    Avoid at all costs. Awful. Bought a bike there for 350€, wheel came curbed from new, returned it they never completed the fix. Had to change brake pads after only 6 months. When I came to buy some they sold me the wrong ones and refused to refund. Then a year into ownership, the gear changer completely broke, shattered by the spring in it, whis goes to show how bad the quality is. They will rip you off. Good quality selection of car care products but a total rip-off. Again.

  • en

    Len Sheehan


    Very helpful managers and staff. Ask for Steve he is always more than willing to assist

nærmeste Cykel butik

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