Halfords - Coolmine Blanchardstown Store i Blanchardstown

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IrlandHalfords - Coolmine Blanchardstown Store



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402, Westend Retail Park, Coolmine, Blanchardstown, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 827 8010
internet side: www.halfords.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3942752, Longitude: -6.3872403

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kevin Lowe


    Staff really helpfull here and great prices tools are great Quality

  • Fran Duncan

    Fran Duncan


    Got my new toolbox here and for very good price halfords Industrial one bottom middle and top,great Quality too, staff really good with customers espesially ben that looked after me in selling the box to me, credit to him working in halfords thanks and will defo shop there for all my tools and car parts now that I have trade card

  • Fabrizio Cucci

    Fabrizio Cucci


    A continuous disappointment. I've tried to repair my bike here for the last few months but the only phrase I keep hearing as soon as I walk in is "we don't do bike repairs till...". Now, I understand that shop may be pretty busy in certain periods but, at very least, there should be a clear distinction between quick fixes and time consuming repairs. CUSTOMER CARE is a foreign concept here. I just want to praise the best employee of the shop, a certain Victor, because he understood the urgency of my situation and fixed my bike in 2 minutes, regardless by how busy the shop was. Thanks a lot Victor.

  • en

    Clive St John


    Good range of equipment with excellent location across from the main shopping centre but three different days I've gone in and plenty of staff but none wishing or able to serve. I only wanted a TomTom but they were either going on break, not serving that part of the shop, etc, etc. I've heard every excuse and even some new ones. Asked man behind counter (no other customers to serve) if he could get a TomTom from the cupboard 3 metres away but said I would have to try and find someone on the floor. Gave up and went elsewhere. By comparison Belfast store is superb.

  • Raymond ZHOU

    Raymond ZHOU


    Very reliable place. Always go there and get different service for my car. Top up engine oil. Change bulbs and windscreen chip repair etc. The staff in there r extremely helpful and nice. As they r always busy. Always need to wait for a while. That's alight though.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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