Halfords - Cork Store i Cork

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IrlandHalfords - Cork Store



🕗 åbningstider

8, South Link Road, Cork, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 21 461 4650
internet side: www.halfords.ie
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Latitude: 51.8841935, Longitude: -8.4025887

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michelle O'Sullivan


    Customer Service is great spoke to a gentleman on the phone at exactly 9am this morning and he was on the ball very friendly and went above and beyond. Thank you!!

  • Eric Foley

    Eric Foley


    Shop is good,but went to get 2 items their web site said where in stock but weren't when I got there,even checked whilst there again on my phone and both items showed up in stock even though they weren't.pointless journey in the end!!!!

  • Petrus Vivo Vixi Victum

    Petrus Vivo Vixi Victum


    The worst store in the World. the service technician does not know anything about the faults. For everything you have to pay, the warranty does not cover any damage but only service, for parts You need to pay. My bike was broken 2 months form purchase. It is a shame to do this

  • Mindaugas Bakucionis

    Mindaugas Bakucionis


    Good place for shopping. First floor for car's, second floor for bike's. Real price's.

  • bryan conlon

    bryan conlon


    Very well stocked shop. I love how replacement parts for your car model are very easy to find and that you can by the original brand or a cheaper generic Halfords brand. You can save a lot of money by DIY'ing. I know very little about cars but I've done quite a few successful DIY jobs on my car because of Halfords. Staff are helpful when you can find one. They offer a fitting service for most item for which they charge a nominal fee. There is an excellent bike shop upstairs too. Free parking outside.

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