The Bike Shed i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Bike Shed



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Magazine Road, Cork, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 86 602 8228
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8887627, Longitude: -8.5046649

kommentar 5

  • Denis O Gorman

    Denis O Gorman


    Great and fast repair service, Funky seats and table for coffee/tea to relax on while you wait for puncture repair. Full range of bike available as well, Ladies/Gents/kids, MTB/Downhill/TT/races/town. Cillian and his team know their stuff!.

  • en

    James Mc Enery


    Great service and very friendly staff. My bike had been in storage for a while, so brought it into the Bike Shed for a tune up and now it’s as good as new. Loving being back cycling - should have called in there a long time ago!

  • John O'Sullivan

    John O'Sullivan


    Helpful staff,great service, and great value .. the owner steered me in the right direction regarding bike selection (and not just to the one with the biggest ticket) .. have been back there since for a bit of service and they saw me right ... would recommend them highly.

  • Njall Dyfgoll

    Njall Dyfgoll


    Poor work, had to get their work repaired not months later. Paid enough for it to have been done properly.

  • J. C.

    J. C.


    Great value bike repair and bikes. Sound guy running this place.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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