Harry's Bikes i Dublin 6

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHarry's Bikes



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109, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 6, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 207 1831
internet side: www.harrysbikes.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3141198, Longitude: -6.2381445

kommentar 5

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    Tim Martin


    Great personal attention from the Staff at Harry's

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    Niall Fitzgerald


    Great store. Always helpful and reasonable to get my bike serviced

  • Marc Mulligan

    Marc Mulligan


    Very helpful. Very professional. A great range of bikes but they really start from €600 which is not ideal for the average cyclist. Go here for specialist, high quality bikes.

  • en

    Mike Stewart


    Great shop, good advice, quality bikes and accessories. Direct and straight forward advice. They know what they are doing and get to the point. Always busy (good sign) so don't expect too much extra chat. Jamie may not be everyone's cup of tea but he will get you the right bike/part/service at a good price. He will give you the benefit of his experience but wont be too upset if you don't like it. Definitely go if you are in the market for a bike or related products.

  • Shane Dineen

    Shane Dineen


    Found this to be a gem of a bike shop which has an astonishing array of clothing, bikes and accessories to suit my not unlimited budget. The staff are very friendly and don't mind you browsing and are very helpful in giving advice without being pushy. They gave me a few different test saddles to try out for a while which was pretty sound. I have gotten a few repairs to my road bike and wheels over the last few months and workmanship is to a very high standard.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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