JJ Bowles Pub, Limerick i Limerick

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IrlandJJ Bowles Pub, Limerick



🕗 åbningstider

8, Thomondgate, Limerick, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 61 454 261
internet side: www.jjbowlespub.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.670372, Longitude: -8.628598

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michael NXP Guane


    The oldest pub in limer ick 1794 What a great place great atmosphere

  • Rosemary Stephenson

    Rosemary Stephenson


    Fabulous Bar and such nice staff and owners with a warm welcome ...nice coming home to that from the UK

  • Rory McGrath

    Rory McGrath


    Great pub with nice cosy spots by fireside to enjoy a great pint. Complimentary black pudding after Munster matches

  • Steven Hanley

    Steven Hanley


    A nice pub but the very slow to get served due to the layout of the bar area but has fab views and a nice function room out back

  • Kat BP

    Kat BP


    Best pub in Limerick! We had the best time and met lots of amazing people. Prices are fair and the view is incredible. Looks like a hole in the wall when you first walk in but it's actually huge with multiple rooms and an awesome outdoor patio with heaters and a view on the castle. Would definitely return if I was ever in Limerick again.

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