Joe Nolan Dental i Galway

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IrlandJoe Nolan Dental



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27, Abbeygate Street Lower, H91 WCC8, Galway, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 563 969
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Latitude: 53.2726138, Longitude: -9.051407

kommentar 5

  • Anne Marie Burke

    Anne Marie Burke


    Never be afraid to go to the dentist again. I had a lot of work on my teeth and absolutely no pain NO PAIN and my teeth look great. Joe is a brilliant dentist

  • Saoirse Griffin

    Saoirse Griffin


    I recently got my clear braces from Joe, I honestly can't say enough good things about the whole experience. The braces themselves looked great and weren't really noticeable when on and then after only 6 months they were ready to come off. My teeth weren't terrible to begin with but I was still shocked at how quickly and efficiently he had made my teeth look amazing. Not only did he just straighten them, I had issues with two of my incisors being very long and pointy and he shaved them down to look more aesthetically pleasing. Also I've always had white stains on the front of my teeth (because of an illness as a child) and in turn they make my teeth look quite yellow in comparison. After I got my braces off Joe polished my teeth and used a type of bleach to help to reduce the white stains significantly. Joe also put a wire behind my teeth to stop them from moving again in the future and made my retainer for me on the same day so I didn't have to wait or have it delivered. Like I said at the beginning I couldn't have a higher opinion of Joe and would recommend him to anyone looking to get anything done with their teeth.

  • Laura Flanagan

    Laura Flanagan


    Dr. Joe Nolan is an excellent dentist who can immediately put patients at ease and is extremely thorough in developing a treatment plan appropriate for the patient's needs. It is easy to tell that Dr. Nolan has the best interests of his patients in mind. I was lucky to find Dr. Nolan on the recommendation of two friends and I am more than happy to recommend him to others. I am looking forward to further treatment with Dr. Nolan.

  • en

    Stephanie Fleming


    Would highly recommend joe for orthodontic treatment. A real perfectionist with a great result

  • John Higgins

    John Higgins


    I owe Joe a big thanks for getting me out of a dilemma when my front crown popped out (not an original job by Joe). As I had an important presentation to make I was introduced to Joe who agreed to meet me immediately. A quick emergency appointment with Joe got me over the panic and the follow up treatment has been top class. I now know where I will be going for on-going dental care. John Higgins

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