KFC i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Westmoreland Street, D02 WD51, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 672 9199
internet side: www.kfc.co.uk
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Latitude: 53.34632, Longitude: -6.259452

kommentar 5

  • en

    Deimantė Dociutė


    how is it possible to miss not one but two burgers from take away order worst service ever thank you

  • Sabrina Ikmal

    Sabrina Ikmal


    Good food, good staff. She gave me extra fries even thought i asked to change the sides but I'm not sure if I was charged for it. Overall not that different from other fast food chains.

  • Gautam Surya

    Gautam Surya


    An okay kind of restaurant..!! Didn't come up to my expectation as compared to other KFC's that I've visited. It's a small shop and I felt the seating arrangements to be very congested.

  • Damaged Gamer

    Damaged Gamer


    Food was nice but the toilets were absolutely disgusting as soon as I opened the door the strong smell of urine was unbearable. All 3 cubicles were the same.

  • Dennis Kelly

    Dennis Kelly


    Love KFC - this one gets VERY busy given the location, but the staff are always giving there all. Seating here can be limited in the busy times, but the do have the whole place laid out correctly. no further seats could be added. Toilets down stairs, not good quality, poor lighting, and always messy.

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