Kilronan Castle i Ballyfarnon

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IrlandKilronan Castle


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Castletenison Demesne, Ballyfarnon, Co. Roscommon, F52 R867, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 71 961 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.0632659, Longitude: -8.1812497

kommentar 5

  • ShaneFrom HarlequinBand

    ShaneFrom HarlequinBand


    A stunning castle hotel in the heart of parkland Ireland. Wonderful surrounding. Friendliest banqueting staff and manager. Excellent management. Always spotless... Stunning.

  • Aidan Flynn

    Aidan Flynn


    Fantastic place. Friendly staff. Great food. Excellent spa. Will definitely return!

  • Evan



    We stayed here about 2 years ago for a wedding. While the place is top notch gorgeous (outside/lobby and rooms) it is too expensive to stay. 2 of us were staying in a room and paid 220 for a night. While some might think that's OK, I don't think that this is great value. Outside of this, they have lovely well looked after grounds and a good easy walk along the lake. If you are looking for a fancy weekend away with some nice views of the lake, look no further.

  • Cormac Phillips

    Cormac Phillips


    Amazing refurbished old Irish castle located on beautiful landscaped grounds. It is the definition of elegance, opulence and grandeur. The staff were professional, friendly and attentive. The rooms were very clean and lacked nothing. The food was manificent. The spa is Roman luxury attached to the main hotel. Very happy with my stay here.

  • pl

    karol kaminski


    Wspaniałe miejsce na odpoczynek. ...

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