Pier Head Hotel, Spa & Leisure Centre i Mullaghmore

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IrlandPier Head Hotel, Spa & Leisure Centre


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Mullaghmore Harbour, Mullaghmore, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 71 916 6171
internet side: www.pierheadhotel.ie
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Latitude: 54.466848, Longitude: -8.4476538

kommentar 5

  • Martin O Sullivan

    Martin O Sullivan


    Nice hotel located in a beautiful scenic place beside the pier. We have stayed here for a few days each year and continue to return to enjoy the fantastic area. Hotel staff are friendly and efficient and breakfast is great. Food in the bar was lovely and inexpensive.

  • Caroline Mc Menamin

    Caroline Mc Menamin


    We have being coming to Mullaghmore for over 20years. If your looking for a little piece of heaven well this is the place to come. Beautiful scenery lovely food in the hotel and staff very friendly and welcoming. What more could a body ask for.

  • Emer



    -Wonderful location. Hazel sorted out a bigger room- thank you. Quiet town midweek in May. I imagine that weekends are very different

  • William Do Tell

    William Do Tell


    Couldn't ask to stay in a better place. Views alone worth twice the price. Beautiful intimate hotel with really friendly staff. Food is priced as good its quality. Outstanding. Only downfall is lack of wifi. But being in a remote location is understandable.

  • Owen Flynn

    Owen Flynn


    Room was clean if a bit basic and small, but it's really only a place to sleep at the end of the day. The hotel was nice and the staff were friendly so you can't really ask for more than that. There's a pool too, although you've to walk next door to access it, which isn't a big deal. Overall it's a grand place to stay and the setting is absolutely phenomenal. I'd recommend it.

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