Ice House Hotel & Spa i Ballina

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IrlandIce House Hotel & Spa



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The Quay, Ballina, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 96 23500
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Latitude: 54.127374, Longitude: -9.1400992

kommentar 5

  • Rob Phelan

    Rob Phelan


    Rooms are amazing, beautiful view of the river Moy. The hotel is small and cosy. Staff are very friendly and helpful. We had dinner on our first night and it was great. We had the fish of the day special and it did not disappoint. The restaurant is downstairs in the cellar. Really interesting history about the building The spa is v small. Only one hot tub was working, and at that it was not very hot. The relaxation room was small and only had room for 5/6 people. The bath in the hotel room was actually better!!! Really enjoyed our stay. It was so relaxing!!!

  • en

    Trudy Boccaccio


    Lovely food and the views from the dining room are beautiful. Coffee and freshly baked scones fab. Can also recommend the spa, great massage and the view again. Whilst relaxing outside in the jacuzzi Brill.

  • Lorraine Kilgannon

    Lorraine Kilgannon


    Heaven on Earth!!! I absolute LOVE this place. The nicest staff ever! Celine is the best therapist I've ever met too, absolutely brilliant at her job! the relaxing atmosphere is second to none and the food is just fab!

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    Siobhan Murray


    Well on the plus side beautiful location and fantastic food was served to the adults. Staff were very helpful and provided a high quality service. On the downside my daughter had the kids menu. Unfortunately the tomato soup which she had she did not like so I tasted it. It tasted like tinned tomatoes. Her potatoes on her main course tasted like they were old or reheated. Her chicken and veg were good. She is brought up surrounded by chef's and sooo knows good food and bad.

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    Tanya S


    Nice food but we were completely ignored by staff. We wanted desserts, waited ages for the menu and eventually asked. We were brought the wrong menu. Waited a while longer and told them as we were leaving the story. What's the point in having such a nice spot, nice food and then not having enough staff on? Wouldn't bother going back. Food was nice but nothing to write home about for the price of it.

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