Great National Hotel Ballina i Ballina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGreat National Hotel Ballina



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N26 Dublin Road, Rathnaconeen, Ballina, Co. Mayo, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 96 23600
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Latitude: 54.086965, Longitude: -9.164384

kommentar 5

  • patrick carolan

    patrick carolan


    Grate food. staff are lovely to us a grate place for to get a dinner. I recommended to anyone that's a 100 miles of ballina to have lunch in this hotel you will not be disappointed To anyone to go and have a bite to eat in this fabulous hotel You won't be disappointed From P

  • en

    David Mc Guinness


    Stayed 2 nights lovely staff great rooms very clean. The breakfast was great and restaurant food was very good. Taxi fares to and from Ballina I thought a bit pricey. Would definitely stay here again.

  • Avril Behan

    Avril Behan


    Lovely staff, great rooms, good food. A games room or play area for kids would be welcome. Leisure centre very good although the dressing rooms could have been warmer.

  • Konrad Walsh

    Konrad Walsh


    Summary: Nice hotel, nice staff. Great relaxing stay Staff: very friendly and helpful staff wanting to help out and accommodate any requests Hotel: beautiful hotel. Foyer very grand, very clean. Toilets are clean Rooms: rooms were very clean. Only annoyance was the shower is 226 was flakey going hot to cold to hot Restaurant: limited menu but everything in it was delicious. (We were a large group). Breakfast was good. Bar: limited selection of beer otherwise nice clean bar with friendly staff. No craft beers available. SPA Facilities: These aren't great. It is run down with corrosion on the hand rails, the steam room doesn't work, the Jacuzzi just about works. The pool was just about warm.

  • Nereida Pujol

    Nereida Pujol



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