Ballina Manor Hotel i Mayo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBallina Manor Hotel



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Barrett Street, Mayo, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 96 80900
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.112653, Longitude: -9.153956

kommentar 5

  • en

    sarah Mc Garvey


    No swimming pool as they must be working at it .we had the steeple suite and it must be the worst hotel room for noise.. I heard ever car and people shouting and it could do all with a good cleaning and fix a few curtain hooks also only 1 heater works there and we had to as for a heater .beds not comfortable..I won't be going back ..the food was nice and dinning room saff were lovely.

  • en

    paula loskamp


    What a lovely hotel in the center of town. Beautiful well stocked room. Everything top notch. Excellent food and pub. Tight parking.

  • Marc Van Rensburg

    Marc Van Rensburg


    Nice rooms, helpful and friendly staff. Food is very good though the menu is a little bit limited.

  • en

    lorraine ohora


    excellent food always consistent never had a bad meal. Staff cant do enough for you, so nice. Great with kids and "their" special menu is only €10 for starter mains and dessert value for your money, very relaxing with beautiful view overlooking the river moy. Cant praise the food chef and staff enough my favourite place to eat in ballina.

  • de

    Helena Dr. Meyer


    Zimmer werden nicht gemacht

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