Locksmiths Dublin 24/7 Ltd - Local Locksmith i Dublin 1

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IrlandLocksmiths Dublin 24/7 Ltd - Local Locksmith



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20, Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 333 1333
internet side: www.locksmiths247.ie
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Latitude: 53.347615, Longitude: -6.265705

kommentar 5

  • Robin Buckley

    Robin Buckley


    Locked keys into my flat in Rathmines. Had to pay a little more than I could afford. But a good job.

  • Baker BlancaBakerBlanca

    Baker BlancaBakerBlanca


    Broke a key in a patio door, no problem for Locksmiths 247 they just removed the broken bit I was able to use the other key I had.

  • Blanca Doiron

    Blanca Doiron


    Locked the bedroom door and lost the key while out on Friday night. Locksmith was able to open the door with a master type key and provide a new key. Very happy customer.

  • Clarisa Busick

    Clarisa Busick


    While putting the bin out I locked myself out, door closed with the wind, not sure what to do the neighbour called the locksmith that she had used to change locks, fantastic service.

  • Ramirez Flenly

    Ramirez Flenly


    Found my self locked out of my home after returning home form a weekend away. My daughters had not left a key out. I called the first company that I came across which happen to be Locksmiths 247. Ken came to my assistance, he managed to be able to open the lock with out having to get new keys. Very impressive service indeed. Would be happy to recommend there service.

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