Locksmiths.ie - Locksmith Dublin i Dublin

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IrlandLocksmiths.ie - Locksmith Dublin



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Dublin, North City, Dublin 1, D01 F297, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 874 7844
internet side: www.locksmiths.ie
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Latitude: 53.3479048, Longitude: -6.2683777

kommentar 5

  • en

    Glen Maskoske


    UP in Dublin visiting a friend on st Patrick's day, Locked the keys in the car, looked at the options, brake a window or call a locksmith, I called locksmiths.ie who were excellent, no problem to recommend the lads.

  • en

    Sherrym Parks


    My mum had just arrived home from hospital to find she could not open her front door. I called a locksmith whom I found on Google. When the guy arrived he was able to identify the problem and fix it straight away. My mum was delighted with the job and said he was a lovely man.

  • en

    Yvonne Kenna


    Was locked out off my house. Called local locksmith. Cliff arrived from Locksmiths.ie and got the door opened , identified the problem and had the door fixed in no time. Very happy to reccommend.

  • en

    Kathleen Murphy


    I spoke to Ken who called out and picked open my door, he was professional and polite, I was really impressed, will definitely use again.

  • Maisie Briggs

    Maisie Briggs


    Talked to Ken knows his stuff he was able to pen the lock without replacing it. Turned up early and and done in no time. Fantastic job done

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