Londis i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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49, Grafton Street, Dublin 2, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 6005
internet side: www.londis.ie
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Latitude: 53.340212, Longitude: -6.2605883

kommentar 5

  • Marketing Leader

    Marketing Leader


    Small but efficient. You can get the Leap Card here.

  • eoghan geoghegan

    eoghan geoghegan


    Saved my hungry jet lagged ass at 6am. Chicken fillet roll, just cooked croissant and a pint of milk. Lovely.

  • Laura Cavanagh

    Laura Cavanagh


    If I could give this place 0 stars I would. Overpriced, gone off products shows a total like of ethics or competency. Never buy any dairy products, biscuits or breads from this shop!!!

  • Colin Vaughan

    Colin Vaughan


    This shop is a disgrace! I bought 2 litres of milk here yesterday evening and placed it straight in my fridge when I got home. The next morning it was so sour that it stank up the kitchen and had separated into a thick, congealed foul smelling solid and liquid. 2.50 and the hassle of carrying milk home (plus a disgusting smell in my kitchen) for some very sour milk. The best before date was 30 August so the milk was within date it just had been badly stored by these clowns who can't seem to understand how to keep milk fresh. This shop is an absolute disgrace! It only gets customers because of it's location. Sad but true.

  • en

    Shane O Connor


    Not happy at all buy 2sauge rolls and totly discusting could knock a cow out with them not worth a visit at all

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