SuperValu Aston Quay - Byrne/Meehan's i Dublin 2

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IrlandSuperValu Aston Quay - Byrne/Meehan's



🕗 åbningstider

14-18, Aston Quay, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 5422
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3465265, Longitude: -6.2602591

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vic Collins


    Slightly better than average city metro style supermarket. Some out of the ordinary products, but ability to choose individual fruit is limited as its all multi packs in plastic.

  • daniela gicovan

    daniela gicovan


    Plenty of food, drinks, pastry, fruits and vegies, all good here! Also nice coffee shop area meanwhile waiting for bus 🚍

  • en

    john Leydon


    Very handy supermarket for shopping on your way home from work the only thing I found out is they don't do a hot tea/coffee with there lunch rolls only give you a can of coke instead

  • en

    Tom Duggan


    Great gym to work out in always look forward to training here when I can highly recommend it 10/10

  • David O Brien

    David O Brien


    Grocery store located along the quay with everything you need. No notably impressive design features in the store like other larger Supervalu's. Great place for those taking the Aircoach bus service from Dublin as the Aircoach (and other Dublin bus) stops are right outside the store, so ideal to stock up on foods, at reasonable prices too.

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