Mail Boxes Etc. Ireland - Dublin Lombard Street i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMail Boxes Etc. Ireland - Dublin Lombard Street



🕗 åbningstider

3, Lombard Street East, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 0400
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3444741, Longitude: -6.2488389

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sikai Lu


    U cant drop ur ups package here.jusr a tip for people who search ups drop off.

  • en

    Cathy Rooney


    This place does not do printing or copying like it says it does on their website.

  • NeX -

    NeX -


    Worst service I have ever experienced. They didn't show up with the delivery, when i was at home and lying about some acces code to get to my house :Our driver requires security access for this delivery. We are attempting to obtain the access information.... that is what they wrote to me, meanwhile i dont even have any god damn code all u have to do is push the gate and knock to the door :/ really dissapointed with the UPS.

  • en

    Piotr Presia


    No problem with the service. I had a UPS parcel to send with printed out label so I just gave it to a lady behind the counter and left. I used the place for the second time and I never had any problem.

  • en

    dave o'keeffe


    Worst service I have ever experienced. They didn't tell me an expected time of delivery, they changed the estimated cost twice and they showed up (while I was at work) phoned me, and told me that they could either drop off my package or I had to pay for delivery again some other time. In the end, they left my painting on the side of the road, complete disregard for my package, worst business I have ever experienced, I never leave reviews, but I just felt I needed to warn others about these, effectively, scammers.

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