St. Andrew's St. Post Office i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSt. Andrew's St. Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

19, St Andrew's St, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 705 8256
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3438164, Longitude: -6.2614242

kommentar 5

  • en

    bernie ward


    Its a good post.offer the staff is ferry nice in post.offer it dos not cold till 6pm everyday Sat..1pm

  • en

    Melanie Brown


    This is now the only post office that serves the inner city on the south side of the river, so for that reason, it can be very crowded and queuing times can be long, with nowhere to sit down if you have mobility issues. However, the staff are always efficient and friendly, and in addition to the usual services, there is a good range of stationery for sale. There are post boxes both inside and outside the building, for convenience.

  • Salla Karala

    Salla Karala


    Really helpful man in the desk! Great service for tourist!

  • Peter Glyn

    Peter Glyn


    Main Dublin post office. Service was efficient and pleasant. We were able to buy stamps and post letters with minimal fuss. The post boxes were accessible from the inside as well as on the wall outside.

  • es

    Julio Mansilla


    Muy amables y serviciales. Una buena oficina para autoenviarse una postal de recuerdo por 1.35€ a España.

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