Mulcahys i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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47, Gladstone Street, Clonmel, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 5054
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Latitude: 52.353529, Longitude: -7.7017278

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Carey

    Daniel Carey


    Exceptional service. Wonderful carvery with a choice of roasts, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, huge choice of fresh vegetables, and if friendly, professional staff.

  • Marcin Faiks

    Marcin Faiks


    Food not good.... From 11 people eating there one day four people get stomach problems, very sorry to write it here but you need to get better otherwise you will luz your customers. Waitresses very good!

  • en

    John Smalle


    Great hotel. Great food. Staff fantastic

  • Paul Besso

    Paul Besso


    I have been to Muchay's for breakfast twice; on each occasion, I had an excellent breakfast. The dinner here is also outstanding and represents a good value for money. The staff were friendly, considerate and professional at their jobs; the service was excellent. I will definitely be returning to this place and would recommend it without hesitation.

  • John Byrne

    John Byrne


    Our room was clean and well heated. The bed was very comfortable. The bathroom was a little dated and the hot water a bit temperamental (although I see in a previous review that the bathrooms will be renovated shortly). We had the full Irish breakfast which was lovely. All the staff were very friendly and courteous.

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