Sean Tierneys i Clonmel

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IrlandSean Tierneys



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13, O'Connell Street, Clonmel, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 4467
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3526183, Longitude: -7.7030414

kommentar 5

  • en

    bretag haydn


    Visiting from Australia and found this pub hard to leave each time we visited. Great old fashioned service, excellent food and the most friendly staff. Hope to be back!

  • Paul Besso

    Paul Besso


    Sean Tierney's is a stunning bar; the interior is exquisite! The food served is of excellent quality; the staff are friendly, well mannered, and efficient. The pints are fabulous; and, the Guinness is outstanding. All-in-all a lovely shiny bar to visit. Highly Recommended.

  • en

    G Gill


    Visited Tiernays for a late lunch (3pm). Had to ask 3 times for a menu, then simply left after 15mins as nobody seemed to have any interest in my business. What is amazing though are the number of fake 5* reviews for Tierneys on Tripadvisor

  • Angela Maguire

    Angela Maguire


    The food is fabulous, the staff are efficient and very friendly. This establishment is family run, I like that the owner is hand's on in running it. It has not been turned into a modern Pub, it has kept it's character,it's a busy place, yet it's relaxing,you can enjoy your food and drinks with out feeling rushed

  • Brian Biel

    Brian Biel


    Solid service and good food. What really sets this place apart though is the decor. Rich, dark polished wood abounds and the pub is decorated throughout with beautiful stained glass and vintage and antique lamps and objects. I would definitely recommend stopping in for a pint of Guinness, or if you are gluten intolerant like me and my wife, a delicious meal and a glass of red wine. The barkeeper was very willing to make suggestions and modify the menu for a gluten free meal. He even brought gluten free gravy!

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