Multi Pizza Dublin i Dublin

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IrlandMulti Pizza Dublin



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124 The Coombe House, The Coombe Dublin 8, Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 410 0401
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3393298, Longitude: -6.2740493

kommentar 5

  • Maris Tabuns

    Maris Tabuns


    Nice authentic curry and yummy kebabs , very friendly staff!

  • Bob Curth

    Bob Curth


    During our trip to Dublin, this was our post-pub food of choice. Must have eaten here 6 of 8 nights. The staff are all my new best friends. They treated us like family and the food is beyond fantastic. I'll definitely be back during my next Dublin vacation! The kabobs are ridiculous.

  • en

    Robert DeWitt-Barber


    The owner was fantastic, nice and made great food. Great after a night at the pub!

  • caba



    Pizza menu review. These people might be good at Indian cuisine or other Asian dishes, but Italian and most importantly PIZZA is something to AVOID! I have been in Italy, I have been in other countries than Italy and Ireland and eaten calzone pizza. There is something spectacular about the type of this pizza and how it is made and the taste. But this FAKE PIZZA HOUSE called Multi Pizza delivered a piece of uncooked dough, Americano styled thick base, topping on the outside. Tottaly disgusting. I mean they said I can keep it and they will refund it, but I spat it out and threw it out. Seriously, why are you selling calzone pizzas if you cannot even replicate the visuals of it, leave alone the tase. Won't say other reviews are fake, because they are about curriesand etc.. these dishes might be good, I don't know. But avoid any pizza from these guys. I mean ok, you made it your "own" calzone. Okay, okay.. but why the base is half unbaked dough? Like eating flour mixed with water... JUST AVOID.

  • Malayali In Ireland

    Malayali In Ireland


    Delicious peri peri chicken,must try

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