NCT Centre i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNCT Centre


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Merlin Commercial Park, Doughuisce, Galway, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 413 5994
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2864, Longitude: -8.9875245

kommentar 5

  • Hillary Murphy

    Hillary Murphy


    They do they're job but they definitely allot too many cars at a time. Coming here after lunch is madness. They close up for lunch and by the time the reopen a huge line had formed. There is s seating area with a TV but not coffee or drink machine, you can leave to go across the road to Iceland if you feel the need for something while you wait.

  • en

    Meg Nalepa


    Great service, no problem if u need to go ahead with a child, very friendly and understanding staff.

  • Micheal MacDonnchadha

    Micheal MacDonnchadha


    Good location has toilets and waiting area also right beside an Iceland shop with aldi and lidl close by

  • en

    carolan brennan


    It's grand. They failed my jeep . But I was expecting it. Professional service. Couldn't complain.

  • en

    Kathleen Mannion


    Efficient but very busy. Good seating area with large windows so you can watch the cars being processed. Could do with a coffee machine 😉

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