Norios Familienrestaurant Und zum Mitnehmen i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNorios Familienrestaurant Und zum Mitnehmen



🕗 åbningstider

Gleann na Rí, Galway, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 768 441
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2744041, Longitude: -8.9992295

kommentar 5

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    Larry Ward


    They destroyed my meal the innocent people

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    Erica Folan


    Love dis place food 🍲 is unreal and there milkshakes are the bomb 💣

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    Sean Barden


    Friday 9th March 5pm - Ordered take-out - Fish n Chips, 1/4 pounder n Curry Chips and a nuggets n chips for the 6 year old standing along side me. While seated reviewed menu and seen that there was a kids nuggets meal with capri-sun for 5€ which was not offered to me (okay not a big deal caught for another 1.30€) And when collected food from lady I asked for the capri-sun and she refused flat out to give the child the drink, said there was 4 nuggets in 5€ meal and mine had 6 nuggets?? No sense?? Cost of capri-sun .20c, cost of repeat business PRICELESS Fish not fresh and had very strong taste - majority thrown in bin. 1/4 pounder was of poor quality - something you would get at an outdoor gig. Sorry did'nt go to supermacs

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    Jaden Kilmartin


    Very visually pleasing. Food was delicious

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    Daniel O'Donovan


    Really good family owned fast food takeaway. Best chips and curry in Galway!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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